Saturday, June 11, 2016

Fandry (Dir. Nagraj Manjule, 2013)

(Reviewed 4.5/5 in September 2014 on

Jambuvantha alias Jabya, the son of a low caste villager has dreams of wooing a school mate who belongs to a high caste but cannot escape the incessant insults heaped upon him from the upper castes. His father is responsible to keep the wild pigs away from the village, a task which Jabya finds embarrassing due to the ridicule he receives from his classmates. In the end the embarrassment turns into seething rage which not only makes his chances of wooing the girl an impossibility but quite surely even to survive in that community. A sensitive film from director Nagraj Manjule portraying the ills of the caste system in the hinterlands of Maharashtra. I will be looking forward to watching more from him.

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