Sunday, July 17, 2016

La Commune (Dir. Peter Watkins, 2000)

(Reviewed 5/5 on letterboxd in July 2016)

Too many great and relevant points made in this movie, not only in its subject matter but also in the revolutionary style of filmmaking -whether it be women's rights or exposing the lie that is the media or an unexpectedly great Gandhi quote on "not building walls" (I am speaking to you Mr. Trump) or the fact that every actor had an opinion and was allowed to express it.
What was most heartening and perhaps the most important takeaway from the film is the search for the real meaning of democracy. Democracy is not only about voting for a representative but it is also about taking individual responsibility for everything that happens under it whether good or bad. A dialogue towards the end of the movie between the aggressor military man and a Commune woman summarizes this beautifully:

 - "What is your name?"

 - "What did you do in the Commune?"

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