Saturday, July 30, 2016

The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (Dir. John Ford, 1962)

(Reviewed 4.5/5 on letterboxd in July 2016)

"Cold blooded murder, but I can live with it" - Tom Doniphon
This is perhaps Ford's most nuanced western chronicling the history of America. According to Ford, civilization was not only won by principled educated non violent men. There were also the gun totting ranchers and cowhands, some of whom willingly or unwillingly went into oblivion but not without playing important if controversial roles of defeating the Liberty Valance's of the land. As usual, Ford shines the brightest in the most unassuming scenes; whether it is the drunk newspaperman breaking into a monologue in his office or the village belle picking up books from the floor and contemplating after an interrupted school session. Ford just keeps getting better on every re-watch.

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